Budget-Friendly Tips For Protecting Your Hair From Heat
Introduction The frizz, flyaways, and unruliness accompanying hot and humid weather may prompt you to use your hair straightener or curling iron more than you'd want. However, remember that excessive heat styling products absorb all of your hair's moisture due...
The Importance Of Exfoliation In Your Skincare Routine
Introduction In skincare, trends like hydration, moisturisation, and protection from the sun come and go, which may all sound pretty familiar to us, especially those of us who take our skincare quite seriously. However, one thing remains the most universally...
How To Manage Dry Skin: Tips And Tricks
Why Should We Manage Dry Skin? With three layers, the human skin is the largest organ in the body and the most vital component. It aids in controlling temperature, maintaining the buffer, harbouring beneficial bacteria, eliminating pathogens, and more. The primary...
Top Affordable Beauty Hacks You Need to Know
Introduction Everyone loves to feel confident in their appearance, but with beauty products often carrying hefty price tags, it can be challenging to maintain a beauty routine that doesn’t break the bank. What if there were ways to achieve that radiant glow, silky...
How to Create Effortless, Everyday Hairstyles for Men
Introduction Ever wish you could style your hair in minutes and still look like you put in the effort? For many men, mornings are rushed, and finding the time to create a polished look can be a challenge. But with the right hairstyle, you can save time and still...
How to Choose the Right Shampoo and Conditioner
Introduction Choosing the right shampoo and conditioner is essential for maintaining healthy, dandruff free, beautiful hair. With so many options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to find the perfect products for your hair type and concerns....
The Science Behind Hair Loss: Causes and Solutions
Introduction When people meet you, the first thing they notice is your face. Hair is an essential element of every person’s facial structure and appearance. Our brain is hardwired to take notice of the face and its features as a way to solidify one another’s...
How to Maintain Healthy Hair During Monsoon Season
Introduction Every human experiences a normal rate of hair fall of 50 -100 strands every day. However, during the monsoon season, that number can increase to well over 250 strands per day. The rainy season increases humidity levels, and humidity can be a...
9 Ways to Get Rid of Greasy Hair
Understanding the Greasy Hair Culprit Our scalp's natural oil, sebum, is vital in keeping hair hydrated and protected. However, when sebaceous glands become overactive, they produce excess sebum, leading to the dreaded greasy feeling and appearance. Let's explore some...